These Insights for Action were derived based on qualitative research with older adults, caregivers, frontline staff, and subject-matter experts. The policy perspectives are designed to be applicable to a broad array of stakeholders. We anticipate these insights can both inform existing policy efforts and inspire new policy dialogues.
Aspirations for Older Age
Social Connection
To feel and be less isolated, older adults need both personal relationships and access to groups or programs at community sites that affirm their values.
Caregiver Support
Older adults and their caregivers—whether family members or professionals—need recognition, support, and training regarding receiving and providing care.
Transportation Access
Older adults need access to easy, reliable, affordable transportation to retain the mobility that enables independent adulthood.
Housing Access & Suitability
To retain their agency, older adults need stable and accessible housing that they can afford, maintain, and physically navigate.

Finances for Basic Needs
Older adults receiving income under 400% of the federal poverty line (approximately $60,000 a year for individuals and just over $80,000 for couples in 2024) need assistance covering essential needs to survive on a fixed income without sacrificing their health or well-being.
Comprehensive & Seamless Healthcare Coverage
Older adults need affordable healthcare coverage and benefits that support their whole health and well-being.
Navigation of Healthcare Benefits & Coverage
To make better coverage decisions, older adults need benefits eligibility, access, and coverage to be more straightforward.

Mental Health Services
Older adults need approachable and accessible support for their mental health, to work through new or longstanding clinical conditions.
Trust in Clinicians
To have trust in their healthcare, older adults need clinicians who take time, communicate clearly, relate to them personally, and respect their autonomy.